Turning Point USA Faith Ministry

TPUSA Faith exists to serve our church by resourcing the congregation to boldly stand for truth, liberty, and The Kingdom.

TPUSA Faith is dedicated to empowering Christians to put their faith into action and restore biblical values in America. 

We engage, equip, and empower our church congregation who are prepared to defend our God-given rights, to become civically and culturally engaged to take a stand for faith and freedom.

Upcoming Events

  • July 26-September 13 2024 6:30 PM Biblical Citizen Course (See information Below)

Biblical Citizen Course (8 Week Course) Open to Everyone

July 26 - September 13

Fridays at 6:30

Biblical principles form the foundation of freedom in society and must be upheld for America to thrive. The Biblical Citizenship course equips you to understand the biblical basis of the American Constitution and apply God’s Word in today’s cultural context so you can help preserve the God-given liberties that make this nation great.

Party Views and The Bible

See how your party views line up with scripture. These key issues are taken from the current approved Republican and Democrat political party platforms and compared to the scriptures. Key verses are provided on each key issue but is not all inclusive. Take time to study these key party topics and how they align with Gods plan for humanity and it's governance.